Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Week Eleven

Monday 30th November
Today we had our double lesson but we also rehearsed for an hour after school. This was really useful as it allowed us to continue practising while we were still fully focused. We had Jake in the lesson, which allowed us to work out the lightning. In our double lesson, we ran through the play once to work out the lightning but also to perfect any bits that needed tweaking. Firstly in our distorted scene that is shown to represent Alice falling down the rabbit hole, the ending where I fall onto Jack and Emily we decided needed changing as it was awkward and looked messy. Instead of them creating a barrier for me to fall on, they push my back up and then the second time they push me back up while Katie and Morgan push me down. We also decided that the transitions between scenes needed cleaning up and also they need to be quicker. In between the interview scene and the first flashback scene, music was played where in this order: Katie, Emily, Me, Morgan and Jack walk on and hold three still images taht represent our character in this scene. It was funny as we all felt like we were on a catwalk but it worked really well because it showed a different side to the piece and also set the tone for the party. Our main final change came right at the end when instead of ending with Alice lying dead on the floor with the other characters surrounding her, Alice still lies dead on the floor but the other characters walk around her each taking turn in saying there motive. People say things like, "you cant treat people like this,","i loved you," etc. Using the circle of tension, made it look effective but it also created the feeling of suspicion for the audience as they have no idea who has actually killed Alice. The purpose of our after school rehearsal was to make sure we practised and practised so the piece was the best it could possibly be. The rehearsal went well and we are all excited to perform it on Wednesday.

Wednesday 2nd December
Today was the day of our final performance and it went really well. We had a run through first in all our costumes and it didn't get off the best start. During our distorted scene, when it came to the final part of the scene, someone accidentally let go of me and I tripped and bashed my head on the floor. Then when we tried it again, the lift didn't go to plan as they didn't have a firm grip while holding me. However apart from this, the final dress rehearsal went really. Then it was time to do our performance and it went ten times better than we ever imagined it to go. Everyone remembered their lines, it had much more pace and tension than when we had done it before. Thankfully the distorted scene went really as well. It was the first time we had performed it to an audience when we were in costume and they really enjoyed it and all told us how good it was. I overheard the audience discussing who they thought had killed Alice which really pleased me as this is what we hoped would happen. After watching it back in our lesson, the main things we pciekd up on that could have been improved was that the sometimes we spoke to quickly and it was hard to understand what we were saying and also the transistions could have been quicker and smoother. Another thing we noticed was that the pace was much better than it had been.

Overall, our devised piece went really well and it was so good to see all the hard work we had put in pay off. We made clear links to our stimulus, 'Alice's Adventures in Wonderland,' and personally I think we managed to produce a really good modern version of the piece.

Alice drinking a potion after falling down the hole

Saturday, 5 December 2015

Week Ten

Monday 23rd November
In today's lesson, it appeared we hadn't really progressed much but we actually had. We went through from the very start and worked out what parts needed to be worked. We were also able to correct small details that needed to be changed because they didn't quite fit. For example, Micheal says he went to a mates party but then when he was talking they had never actually met. It was only small details like these that needed changing but it made everything correct so that if the audience did recognise it then it would help with the clarity of the plot. As we went through it, we realised how many links to Alice in Wonderland we had actually put in. For example, at the party when they are getting intoxicated, life suddenly becomes disjointed much like how Wonderland appears to Alice.

Wednesday 25th November
In today's lesson, we were very limited as to what we could do as both Morgan and Jack were away, which left just myself, Katie and Emily. So as much as we had of the script, we went through it to see if there was any details we could add or adapt any mistakes in there. We then discussed different things we could wear that would match what our character says and acts like. I have a blue daisy dress that I am going to wear because we feel it would reflect the character of Alice but also links to what Alice wears in adaptations of the original story because from our research we found out that in many of the adaptations Alice wears ablue dress

Friday 27th November
Before school, I went to the Drama room to record the voice over for the police station. We recorded it using a Dictaphone because we thought it would be more professional and if I was stood on the side saying the lines then we thought it would distract the audience. Then during our after school rehearsal, we had some friends to come and watch so we could get an opinion from them. It went really well and we ran through from start to finish very successfully and our audience really enjoyed it, which was a real morale booster. In our last rehearsals before our performance, we will make sure we run through from the very start so we know what we are doing and also to improve the pace of our performance. 

At the Mad Hatter's Tea Party