In our double lesson, first of all we finished the final scene, which is where the suspects learn what has happened. We ask more questions so we learn what happened after the second flashback ended and then the final line reveals what Alice. The line is, "A body has been found in a ditch near to where the party was held. We believe it to be Alice's body. So Charlie Doorm, Jason Hatton, Elizabeth Hart, Michael White we are detaining you for further questioning regarding the death of Alice Kingsley." This relates to our stimulus as Alice falls down a hole to get to Wonderland which in this case is ditch. Also we chose the surname of Alice to be Kinglsey because this is what it is in other adaptations.
After we had finished the final scene, we decided it would be a good idea to have a full run through from start it finish and record it so we can see what it looked like. It went surprisingly well but we found some things that need to be improved. In the first scene, my fall didn't go as good as it had before because I couldn't get my feet to slip so it looked messy. The lift went well because I tensed my arms and body so it was easier for Morgan and Katie. I was embarrassed by my face in the performance because I looked gormless when I was meant to be looking scared, so I need to improve on my facial expressions through out the piece. The second scene ran really smoothly with the only down side being Katie stood up to soon. The third scene had good facial expressions and voice clarity. Something I noticed was that I fiddled with my hair too much so I need to use gestures appropriate to my character. We all noticed that it was quite funny in places without it intending to be. For example:
Elizabeth: Are you stupid?
Charlie: What do you mean?
Elizabeth: I mean. Are you a stupid?
I like this part as it adds humour to the piece. Scene 4 ran smoothly but the major issue came in Scene 5. It had a huge pause, due to forgotten lines which meant it broke the tension. However when I laugh at Michael and yell at him, my facial expressions and voice matches with the mood of my character. We noticed that for some of it Michael stood around like a spare part, so we need to either give him my lines or get him to do something else. The final scene went well and looked excellent. A major issue we all noticed was that the pace was slow so we need to speed it up.
Wednesday 18th November
In this lesson, we sat down and thought that maybe we could add something onto the end to build up the tension. After the final line, we thought it was a good idea to have a silence and then all the characters shouting that the didn't do it and blaming it on other people which gradually got quieter. This worked well but we wanted to go and try different ways in which we could do it. The idea we eventually went with was Charlie starts off then Jason joins in, then Elizabeth and then finally Michael and it gets louder. We chose this one because we thought that it sounded more effective and would create suspicion in the audience's mind. Then there will be a blackout and then it the lights will come on to reveal Alice lying on the floor dead and the others surrounding her, like the first scene.
Thursday 19th November
We rehearsed after school today and after we had taught Jack the final part we had added yesterday, we had a run through and showed it to some people so we can see what other people think of it. It probably went the worst we had done it, which was a shame because it was our first time showing other people. Although we made some mistakes, it turned out to be good as it allowed us to see what parts need changing and what they liked as a audience.
In this lesson, we sat down and thought that maybe we could add something onto the end to build up the tension. After the final line, we thought it was a good idea to have a silence and then all the characters shouting that the didn't do it and blaming it on other people which gradually got quieter. This worked well but we wanted to go and try different ways in which we could do it. The idea we eventually went with was Charlie starts off then Jason joins in, then Elizabeth and then finally Michael and it gets louder. We chose this one because we thought that it sounded more effective and would create suspicion in the audience's mind. Then there will be a blackout and then it the lights will come on to reveal Alice lying on the floor dead and the others surrounding her, like the first scene.
Thursday 19th November
We rehearsed after school today and after we had taught Jack the final part we had added yesterday, we had a run through and showed it to some people so we can see what other people think of it. It probably went the worst we had done it, which was a shame because it was our first time showing other people. Although we made some mistakes, it turned out to be good as it allowed us to see what parts need changing and what they liked as a audience.
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Alice looking down the Rabbit Hole |